rtl_433 mhz

One of the most difficult problems I’ve attempted to resolve in the last few years, is how to capture and record (into mysql database) data received from 433mhz sensors..

rtl_433 -M utc -F json -G

{“time” : “2019-09-25 19:11:54”, “model” : “Acurite tower sensor”, “id” : 2766, “sensor_id” : 2766, “channel” : “A”, “temperature_C” : 22.700, “humidity” : 44, “battery_low” : 0}

{“time” : “2019-09-25 19:12:01”, “model” : “Acurite Lightning 6045M”, “id” : 253, “channel” : “A”, “temperature_F” : 72.100, “humidity” : 41, “strike_count” : 26, “storm_dist” : 27, “active” : 1, “rfi” : 0, “ussb1” : 0, “battery” : “OK”, “exception” : 0, “raw_msg” : “c0fd6fa9d12d9a1b88”}

{“time” : “2019-09-25 19:12:04”, “model” : “Smoke detector GS 558”, “id” : 8078, “unit” : 14, “learn” : 0, “code” : “63f1ce”}

Trying to parse and collect the data using LiveCode has proven to be difficult. First problem with rtl receiver, is it isn’t seen as a com port, or other readable device. It is seen as its own terminal device. I’ve tried piping, didn’t work. Basically everything I’ve tried, hasn’t worked.

The best advice I have received to is send data out to flat file, then read the file. Which basically mean lots of file activity and parsing. Unsure if I am willing to do that for what should be a simple task. That would cause a great deal of read/write activity on the SD drives and possibly wear out the drive faster.

Heard of a new program that outputs the data to files specific to the device id, trying to find it. Will keep everyone informed.

Reducing number of domains.

Over the years we have acquired a few domain names we thought we’d end up using someday. Some have gone up and value others have not.

So we’ve decided to start cutting down on the number of domain names we have and better combine those we want to keep.

LittleSoftwareBarn.Com is our ‘see us, see what we’ve done’ site.

LittleSoftwareBarn.Net is our locally hosted domain and allows us to interact directly with our internet of thing using local systems.

Other sites that were purchased thinking they would fit a future need, are being let go.

Sites we see as investments, in the name, are being kept.

We will be keeping http://travelingmickey.com it seems very popular, lots of visitors.

And N4N.us we will keep, because we like the WordPress blogging system.

Thoughts on Subscription Services

Everyone hates paying high cable bills, or monthly satellite service fees, cable cutters have caused a market shift. I do not feel this shift is for the better. Personally I hated paying over $100.00 a month to my cable company, so I switched to satellite, saving almost $25 a month. Now people are getting rid of both services and just using HDTV (over the air services) which in my area are VERY VERY LIMITED, or subscribing to an online service such as Sling or TubeTV. These offer many of the same nation wide services found on cable and satellite.

Hulu And Netflix enter the mix. There are times you want to watch movies or newly released shows and movies not found on the big streaming services. So you start to add on more subscription services..

There is also a HBO and CBS streaming services… And NOW there are a rash of new “+” services coming to market….

In my opinion this is just going to cause a rash of add ons and force consumers to pay even more than they would with cable, who is now raising their rates to cover the losses (smart!!?? <really>)..

UPDATE: As it stands I tried both SlingTV and TubeTV. I canceled SlingTV after a few months, it didn’t provided the channels we were looking for. TubeTV has been good, except for the rate hike of over $10 a month, but they did add channels, so it wasn’t too painful.

OH and as a, just a heads up. When after a few months, when TubeTV raised it rates we checked out SlingTV service again. And the sneaky buggers, re-subscribed us to their service. So they soaked me for a months service. So be VERY CAREFUL when reviewing their services.

LiveCode Project

Got a job writing a program to track a client’s, client’s. Can’t go into do much detail. But it is reawakened the joy of Programming in LiveCode again. LiveCode is up to version 9 now, haven’t done any major projects in it since version 6. SO, lots of new features and changes. Having to relearn a few things. This project will be using SQLite, which I haven’t used in a LONG time, but so far going fairly well.

UPDATE: You can see what the finish project looks like on LittleSoftwareBarn.com, Projects >> Boat tracker. Project took under two weeks to complete.

Low cost Ham Radio’s

Baofeng UV-5R for less than $25

Having been a Ham for awhile, I lost track of my radio. Finally dug it up and of course it was dead. Out of date and no updates, so worthless. Heard about Baofeng handhelds, and they were programable. Found a couple for less than $22 each, in different colors. I tried to program one using “CHIRP” and a low cost cable, never got it to work. Ordered another, hopefully better cable and will try again.

It all looks good. Low cost. Small and fairly easy to use. Programming however is another story.

Hopefully new cable resolves my issues.

UPDATE: Yes using a BoaFeng Labled cable worked the first time every time. So I do not recommend buying or trying to use a knock off. My two cents!


Got my first real job in web development in over a year, which was good. Had to spend a few days attempting to fix a coding issues that ended up being a hosting issue. It is all good now, finished way ahead of due date. Added lots of features the client didn’t expect. All and all, RapidWeaver is a time saver and great tool for both big and small jobs.

Computer History – Pricing

Having been into computers for decades the one thing I’ve noticed is the normal price brake for a USEABLE base model computer.  Since my Atari and  Apple II days, the high end, or best computer models always ran about $1200.00. To this day, this price point has continued to hold true.

If you want a computer that will be functional and not go obsolete in a couple of years, expect to pay around $1200. This does not include printers and other peripherals and add ons..

Cheaper options include upgrading an older computer.  You can upgrade RAM and Hard drives that’ll help but most of the time only a stop gap solution.  Giving you a year or so of usability.

This price does not include extended warranties. Plus just because you spend $1200 doesn’t mean you will get a good computer. If I recall IBM and Coleco produced computers that were just junk at any price. Again, just my thoughts.

3D Printing, at last.

For years I’ve been trying to find a 3d printer that works reliably and has good support. Started off with a Makerbot kit, which worked well, for awhile. Then Makerbot went crazy with the pricing and went private, so I lost heart in the company.

From there we switched to Solidoodle 3, Supported Solidoodle Press though a kickstarter, took almost two years to receive and NEVER got a good print out of the unit. The unit looked great though. Back and forth with tech support to the point that they wanted me to send back unit for repair. Which I never did, thank goodness. They were out of business weeks later.

A few weeks ago I received notice from Robo, that they were discounting remaining R1+ units, I jumped at it. So far the unit has printed everything I’ve requested, even prints that took 8 hours. A total first.

The units LEDs stopped working, so I contacted Robo, after a few trouble shooting emails, I have new Lights and a have received answers to all my issues quickly and without a lot of template replies. Fantastic printer at low cost.

FlightAware – PiAware

FlightAware was easy to setup and great fun to use. Can track flights flying over your head leaving contrails spoiling your beautiful blue sky. Get the story about a plane and its current flight. Sharing your data with FlightAware gives you free access to their Enterprise plan, well worth it.

Basically you setup a Raspberry Pi, with a ADS receiver which monitors the airwaves for ADS data from flights within range. The area I live in is rather hilly, so at first I wasn’t happy with the units range so I added an external antenna which dramatically increased my systems range. All and all the system cost about $150. You leave it running, then can remotely monitor you PiAware unit over your network through a browser. Plus you can access your data directly from FlightAware’s site, well your data anyway.

Was able to monitor flights in real time.

You can overlay current weather. You can also spend more for better antennas and higher antenna mounting, which would improve your stations reception.

All and all, great fun, nice use of a Raspberry Pi.

UPDATE: After a year of operation the system stopped sending data. Tried a new USB Receiver,  a new Pi, patch cable, nothing worked. Finally changed the power supply, which was on of the nice Raspberry Pi brand ones, with Power LED. That was it, fixed. Unit was getting power, but I guess it wasn’t getting enough. Odd same power supply worked for a year, then just stopped producing enough power. Oh well..